Leaf Area Meter : L-2000
“ Rapid, Accurate and Versatile system for Area Measurement of Large or Small Leaves ”- The system is available with the Motorized Conveyor, using which we can easily and quickly scan and measure many leaves. The Conveyor unit is capable of handling any type, size or shape of Leaf Specimens.
- Using this module we can perform area measurements on different sections of a Plant Leaf.
- Motorized conveyor Model for batch feeding and analysis of large numbers of leaves rapidly.
- Capture images of illuminated leaf samples using a camera.
- Automated calculation of Leaf Areas. Easily Isolate Various Leaf regions based on their color.


Automated Leaf area measurements, leaf disease estimation, Pest damage assessment Efficiently analyze a wide variety of Leaf types from any Plant sample

Analysis of Small Leaves, Large Leaves, or Irregularly shaped ones with same precision Simple Point and click selection of different color regions of a Leaf

Conveyor Belt accessory for rapid and batch processing of leaves

Easy to use mechanics and interface producing accurate and repeatable results

Advanced Leaf Measurements of perimeter, length, width, object count

Save captured Images and the analyzed results locally to text, Word, Excel documents Analyze multiple fields from a batch of samples and generate statistical reports

Leaf Area Meter : LeafAv
“ A truly Unique, Compact and Portable solution for Fast, Accurate and Non-Destructive estimation of Leaf area in the field ”- Biovis PSM - Leaf Av is Portable system for measurements of plant leaves without detaching the leaf from the plant. The compact and portable system can perform on field data collection without the need for transporting samples back to the lab. Researchers are thus able to perform on-site, non-destructive measurements on leaves of living plants. Hence studies or experiments can be conducted throughout the life cycle of the leaf.
- Biovis PSM - Leaf Av also has an add-on module for measuring ratios of damaged or diseased areas in the leaf. All images of leaves and measured data can be transferred to a PC for further processing if desired.
Leaf Area Meter : LeafAv
“ A truly Unique, Compact and Portable solution for Fast, Accurate and Non-Destructive estimation of Leaf area in the field ”- Biovis PSM - Leaf Av is Portable system for measurements of plant leaves without detaching the leaf from the plant. The compact and portable system can perform on field data collection without the need for transporting samples back to the lab. Researchers are thus able to perform on-site, non-destructive measurements on leaves of living plants. Hence studies or experiments can be conducted throughout the life cycle of the leaf.
- Biovis PSM - Leaf Av also has an add-on module for measuring ratios of damaged or diseased areas in the leaf. All images of leaves and measured data can be transferred to a PC for further processing if desired.


Small and portable Android Tab based leaf area measurement system for lab or field use

Perform non-destructive analysis of unplucked leaf specimens

Tiny to large or long (over 8 feet) and wide(over 6 feet) leaves without cutting

Obtain areas, length, widths, L/W ratios or accumulated areas.

Store images of the captured leaf samples and the data and also transfer to the PC for further analysis

Obtain ratios for healthy to damaged or diseased areas.

Data and results in excel or pdf formats.
Root Analyser : R-2000
- Biovis PSM – R2000 is an image analysis system specifically designed for use in plant science applications to perform rapid and accurate analysis of roots.
- The system consists of an Optical scanner as the Image acquisition device and a root analysis software. The software will then automatically analyse the Image to quantify the root morphology.
- Root analysis system performs automatic measurements for root length estimation, root diameters, branches, tips, and forks etc.


Root Scanner – Special protected flatbed Optical scanner, with transparent root trays and a root preparation kit is provided for acquiring the Image of roots.

Image Processing – The software is provided with several powerful routines for enhancing, filtering and segmentation of the images, along with a few general purpose measurement tools.

Dual Lighting System to avoid shadow effect to give shadow free image.

Root analysis system – A complete system for root analysis with automatic measurements for root length estimation, root diameters, branches, tips and forks etc.

Reporting Results – Root Images along with analysis Results can be transferred to local documents formats.

Optical Resolution of the scanner is 4800 DPI.

Root Analyser : R-5000
- Biovis PSM — R5000 is a portable field level root imaging system designed to scan living roots of a plant sample from inside the soil.
- This setup allows users to perform repeatable non- destructive observations of root samples and thus help in studying in-situ root development.
- The unique system makes it possible for researchers to observe and quantify root growth activity over several seasons and assist in understanding plant behavior and growing patterns.
Root Analyser : R-5000
- Biovis PSM — R5000 is a portable field level root imaging system designed to scan living roots of a plant sample from inside the soil.
- This setup allows users to perform repeatable non- destructive observations of root samples and thus help in studying in-situ root development.
- The unique system makes it possible for researchers to observe and quantify root growth activity over several seasons and assist in understanding plant behavior and growing patterns.


Root Scanner – The portable scanner provides high resolution, 360 degree images of underground living roots inside the soil. Easily move the scanner to different locations or to greater depths.

Root Imaging – Scan roots at various depths and generate composite images for analysis. System is supplied with several powerful routines for enhancing, filtering and segmentation of the images.

Root analysis system – Scanned images of the roots can also be analyzed using the optional software measurement tools to quantify the root morphology.

Electronic Data storage – Computerized image storage of scanned roots along with the associated analysis results for long-term data preservation and tracking.
Seed Analyser
- Biovis PSM — S2000 is a digital image analysis system designed to rapidly and accurately analyze samples of grains & seeds to determine its morphometric characteristics. It can be used to analyze different forms of seeds and grains such as Rice, Wheat, Barley, Maize, Pulses, etc.
- The system can automatically count the detected seeds from the sample and then measure parameters such as size, shape, shape factors, etc. The software provides over 50 different types of measurements which can be selected by the user.
- Measurements like – area, perimeter, roundness, aspect ratio, major and minor axis length, etc. can be performed which can specify important characteristics about the seeds. Comparison of these measurement parameters among different grain or seed samples can give relevant information for variety identification.


Rapid and accurate solution to nondestructive analysis of seeds and grains

Determine Total Counts and average seed sizes from the complete batch of samples

Instant display of Individual Seed Measurements and overall statistics

Seed Classification according to any combination of measurement criteria

Standardized Reports of analysis using pre-configured report templates

Automated Batch function to analyze a large number of seeds in a short time.

Spray Droplet Analyser.
- Biovis Spray Droplet Analysis System is an automated imaging solution which is used in accessing the uniformity and efficiency of the sprays and the spray delivery systems. The spray droplet spectrum image is captured by the microscope and camera, and then analyzed by the software to provide complete information on the individual and cumulative spray droplets. With a single click obtain total particle counts along with detailed size and shape information, VMD and NMD measurements, and their ratio can be derived.
Spray Droplet Analyser.
- Biovis Spray Droplet Analysis System is an automated imaging solution which is used in accessing the uniformity and efficiency of the sprays and the spray delivery systems. The spray droplet spectrum image is captured by the microscope and camera, and then analyzed by the software to provide complete information on the individual and cumulative spray droplets.
- With a single click obtain total particle counts along with detailed size and shape information, VMD and NMD measurements, and their ratio can be derived.


Fast, accurate and reproducible spray particle size analysis

Complete automated measurement of Spread droplet size and number

Save configured operating methods and procedures for easy reuse

Technical compliance to regulatory standard requirements